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Bearing Properties Sacramento
Bearing Properties Sacramento


Sacramento Properties - Recommended Legal Resources

If you have a complaint with a Sacramento Attorney - the State Bar of California has a hotline:

A California state license is no guarantee that any particular property management company or attorney in Sacramento County CA is even competent in property management - is doing business ethically - is providing real value - or satisfying its clients. Be Careful !

We will be listing the good - and bad soon - with complete websites documenting our findings - so you can be properly informed to make safe decisions. The bad list - very unfortunately - is growing rapidly.

NOTES: Barry does provide hourly one-on-one SEO strategy consultations both in-person and over the phone to SEO consultants only.  Barry's hourly consulting rate is $400 per hour. If you can ever afford an office - and to pay people who tried to help you - then call a good developer and SEO

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